Saturday, October 27, 2012

The festival of sacrifice - Eid ul Adha

This is a four-day public holiday in Muslim countries.
The festival remembers the prophet Ibrahim 's willingness to sacrifice
his son when God ordered him to.
Ibrahim's sacrifice
God appeared in a dream to Ibrahim and told him to sacrifice his son
Isma'il. Ibrahim and Isma'il set off to Mina forthe sacrifice.
As they went, the devil attempted to persuade Ibrahim to disobey God
and not to sacrifice his beloved son. But Ibrahimstayed true to God,
and drove the devil away.
As Ibrahim prepared to kill his son God stopped him and gave him a
sheep to sacrifice instead.
Ibrahim's complete obedience to the will of God is celebrated by
Muslims each year.
Each Muslim, as they celebrate, reminds themselves of their own
submission to God, and their own willingness to sacrifice anything to
God's wishes.
During the festival Muslims who can afford to, sacrifice domestic
animals, usually sheep, as a symbol of Ibraham's sacrifice. (British
law insists that the animals must be killed in a proper
The meat is distributed among family, friends and the poor, who each
get a third share.
As with all festivals thereare prayers, and also presents.

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