Friday, October 12, 2012

Sunni Muslims’ Al-Mahdi (Mehdi) Caution Read with Fearof Allah SWT

This is to be taken as knowledge to teach others right from wrong do
not I repeat DO NOT Draw to far into this.
Al-Mahdi (the Mahdi) is anArabic word which means " The Guided ". In
Persian, Turkish and Urdulanguages, he is called Mehdi (instead of
Mahdi).The Mahdi is the title of this important Muslim leader, not his
actual name. His actual name is going to be Mohammad and he is
supposed to be a descendant of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم .
Some Hadiths specify that the name of the Mahdi's father will be like
the name of Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم father, meaning
The Mahdi is mentioned in several Hadiths, but is not mentioned in the
Hadiths that list the Ten Major Signs of the Day of Resurrection. Most
likely, the reason is that the Mahdi will appear beforethe Major Signs
start. So, the Mahdi could be regarded among the last Minor Signs ,
before the Major Signs start. It is likely that the Major Signs will
start during thereign of the Mahdi. However, there will be signs
indicating the rise of the Mahdi, some of them will occur immediately
before he appears and some of them during the initial period after he
appears. Signs of the Mahdi are totally different from the Major Signs
of the Day of Resurrection.
Abdullah bin Masood has reported that the Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم
said, "The World will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a
man (referring to the Mahdi) of my Ahl Bayt (family) whose name will
be like mine." (Abu Dawud & Tirmizi)
Abdullah. Ibn Masood reported that the Prophet صلى الله عليهوسلم said,
"Even if thereremains only a day before the World ends, the almighty
Allah will greatly prolong that day to send a man from me (my
progeny), from members of my House (family). His name will be similar
to my name and his father's name similar to my father's name . He will
fill the Earth with equity (fairness) and justice, as it (previously)
was filled with oppression and injustice." (Abu Dawud)
- The Mahdi (Mehdi) is not the "Messiah" of Muslims. - Muslims
recognize Jesus Christ as Messiah and this is very clearly mentioned
in the Quran.
- Sunni Muslims are expecting 3 main individuals to appear in the End
Times: (1) at least one caliph (ruler) whose is referred to as Mahdi
(good man), (2) Anti-Christ (evil man), and (3) Jesus Christ (good
- Sunni Muslims are expecting Jesus to returnto Earth, by descending
from Heaven.
- For Sunni Muslims, the Mahdi ( Mehdi) is a unique Muslim leader who
will appear in the End Times and act as a Caliph, ruling the Muslim
World. He is not a prophet. According to our numerical analysis ofthe
Quran, it seems that the Mahdi will be fulfilling a divine mission and
will act as a Warner and Carrier of Good News.
- Most probably, shortly after Jesus descends from Heaven, the Mahdi
will die and Jesus will become the Caliph of Muslims.
- For Sunni Muslims, Jesus will play a very important role. Jesus
willkill the Anti-Christ and rule the World after the Mahdi dies and
Jesus' reign will be longer.
- For the Shia, the Mahdi's role is far more important than Jesus'
role. The Shia believe that the Mahdi (not Jesus) will be the one who
will kill the Anti-Christ. Shia even claim that the Mahdi willkill
Caution: - In this page, we are aiming to present the largest number
of Hadiths available about the Mahdi (Mehdi) in Sunni books, without
screening them. However, even in Sunni books, some transmittersa
Hadith could be Shia. Many of the Shia do not publicize that they are
Shia. So, Sunni Hadith books may contain narrations transmitted by
Shia. The Mahdi (Mehdi) is an extremely important figure in the
theology of the Shia and they have created and spread lots of false or
unreliable stories about him. That is why you need to be very
cautiouswhen reading Hadiths about Mahdi.
- There are only 2 Sunni Muslim books (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
in which most ofthe Hadiths is consideredSahih (correct, authentic,
and reliable) because their authors have screened the Hadiths and
included only the Hadiths these authors deemed authentic.
- There are no Hadiths about the Mahdi in SahihBukhari.

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