Saturday, October 13, 2012

Strokes in young people 'rising', study finds

Strokes are becoming more common at a younger age, with about one in
five victims now below the age of 55, research in the American Academy
of Neurology Journal suggests.
The study followed 1.3 million people in a US region and found 19% of
those experiencing a stroke in 2005 were in this age group, up from
13% in 1993.
This is despite a trend of overall falling rates of thecondition.
The Stroke Association said the findings were alarming.
Report author Dr Brett Kissela said: "The reasons for this trend could
be a rise in risk factors such asdiabetes, obesity and high
The study looked at all people over the age of 20in greater Cincinnati
and North Kentucky over three periods in 1993, 1999 and 2005.
UK parallels
As well as a rise in the occurrence of stroke in the under-55s over
this time, from 109 per 100,000 people in 1993 to 176 per 100,000 in
2005, the study also found the average age ofthose experiencing the
condition fell from 71 years in 1993 to 69 years in 2005.
A stroke happens in an instant, but its effects canlast a lifetime,
leaving many with long-term severe disabilities"
Dr Clare Walton
Stroke Association
Those in the oldest age groups saw a decline in the rate over the same period.
Similarly, in the UK there has been a 40% reduction in the number of
people having major strokes over the past 20 years.
The decline in numbers ispartly due to improvements in prevention,
combined with an increase in healthy living public awareness.
This US study suggests a shift in the age of those experiencing
stroke, from the old to the young, although experts say the findings
need to be treated with caution.
Dr David Werring, a neurologist from University College London, said:
"Stroke is usually considered a disease of older people, but this
study reminds us that young people are also affected.
"It is possible that changes in how stroke is detected during the
study could explain some of the increase.
"The proportion having adetailed brain scan by magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), which is the most sensitive test fordetecting stroke
damage in the brain, increased from 18% to 58%, which might have
increased therate of accurate diagnosis - particularly inyounger
people who mayhave been more likely to have these scans.
Greater burden
"Nevertheless, if these results are true, and turn out to be
generalisable to other populations, they could be very important
because strokein younger people can cause more lifetime disability."
Stroke Symptoms
The face can drop on one side - unable to smileor eye might droop
Unable to lift one or both arms
Slurred or garbled speech
Source: NHS choices
Experts suggest that similar lifestyles betweenthe US and UK mean the
two countries may experience parallel trends - and they warn ofa major
future public health challenge.
Dr Clare Walton, from the Stroke Association, said:"A stroke happens
in an instant, but its effects canlast a lifetime, leaving many with
long-term severe disabilities.
"With the number of younger people having strokes increasing, greater
strain will be placed on health services to support them with their
"This problem needs to be addressed now. In many cases, a stroke can
be prevented and everyone can reduce their risk by making a few simple
healthy lifestyle changes.
" For example, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and
getting your blood pressure checked can all make a huge
difference."And Allah knows best

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