Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stories from Quran & Hadees - Stories of the Prophets, Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh): Benefit of Namaz e Janaza

In the times of Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh) there was a person who
was very pious who used to spend his money lavishly in good causes.
Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh) was very much attached to him. In the
mean while Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh) got a revelation from Allah
(SWT) through which Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh) came to know that
all the money spent by that person was only for show and there was no
real charity for the sake of Allah (SWT). When this man died, people
expected Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh) to attend the funeral but
instead of himself attending the funeral Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh)
sent a representative to attend.
There were fifty witnesses at the time of Ghusl (washing) and all of
them whispered among themselves that they had not seen anything except
good from the person. The same fifty declared and made the same
statementwhile offering Funeral Prayer (Namaz e Janaza / Namaz e
Maiyyat) and also at burial and all of them bore witness sayingthat
they found that man excellent in his ways. After the burial was
over,Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh) got a revelation from Allah (SWT)
and wasasked why he did not attend. Prophet Dawood / David (pbuh)
pleaded that because he was doing charity only for show and not for
Allah (SWT), hence he did not like to attend the funeral of such a
Revelation came from Allah (SWT) saying, "Oh Dawood! When I heard the
statement of the people that he was good,I accepted their witnesses
and gave preference to their statement over my own knowledge and gave
the man all the rewards that he deserved because of the public
Imam Ali (as) Says: "Live amongst people in such amanner that if you
die they weep over you and if you are alive they cravefor your

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