Monday, October 8, 2012

Should the Muslim pay attention to people’s tastes and customs and let his garment hang below his ankles? Is there any isbaal involvedin wearing pants?

Praise be to Allaah.
It should be noted that the rulings of sharee'ah have not come to
humiliate the Muslim or make him a laughing stock among people; rather
they have brought that which is good for all people in their religious
and worldly affairs. If you think about the state of the world you
will find this to be true. Actions that go against Islam havebecome
widespread everywhere on earth. Look– for example –at the effect that
mixing between women and menhas on nations; look at theeffects of
permitting alcohol; look at the effects of wanton display and
unveiling; look at the effects of false freedoms on those nations.
They arethe nations that are most affected by anxiety and depression,
they have the highest suicide rates, they are the nations where
wife-beating and murder of wives is most common, and there are many
other examples. What we say is based on their own statistics. But this
is not the place to discuss that indetail. Rather it is just a hint of
what we want to convey to you and other readers to whom the shaytaan
may insinuate that it is not good to implement some of the established
principles of Islam. We do not think – in sha Allaah – that you are
one of them, but this does not mean that we should not draw
attentionto the matter.
It should be noted that the Muslim should not payattention to people
and their customs when it has to do with a duty that Allaah has
enjoined on him or a prohibition that Allaah has forbidden him to do.
Yes, the Muslim may pay attention to people and their customs with
regard to things that are mustahabb, permissible ormakrooh, but when
it comes to things that are obligatory or forbidden, it is not
permissible for him at all to ignore them for the sake of people.
Some people mistakenly quote as evidence the hadeeth of 'Aa'ishah
whichsays that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
refrained from demolishing the Ka'bah and rebuilding it on the
foundations of Ibraaheem (peace be upon him), and they take that as
evidence that one may refrain from doing obligatory duties, but this
is obviously mistaken. If that had been obligatory for him (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him), he would not have refrained from it
for the sake of softening people's hearts. Rather it was permissible.
There follows the hadeeth in full,and the scholars' comments on it.
It was narrated from 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that
the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her:
"O 'Aa'ishah, were it not that your people have only recently left
Jaahiliyyah behind, I would have ordered that the House be demolished
and I would have incorporated into it what was left out of it, and I
would have placed (the door) at ground level and given it two doors, a
door on the east and a door on the west, and thus I would have rebuilt
it on the foundations of Ibraaheem."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1509) and Muslim (1333).


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