Because man is weak in resolve,
"...And Man was created weak." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:28]
"Allaah wishes to make clear to you and to show the
ways of those before youand accept your repentance
and Allaah is All-Knower, All Wise." [soorah an-Nissa 4:26]
Abee Hamza Anas ibn Maalik al-Ansaaree
said that the Messenger of Allaah ( ) said:
Allaah is more pleased with the repentance of His
servant than one of you who falls off his camel
and loses it in a baren desert land. [al-Bukharee vol8#321]
Thus, there is no duty upon you - O servant ofAllaah -
except that you should make Allaah happy
with your repentance and bring happiness
to your own soul by its repenting to its Lord
and by standing upright before its Originator.
T he C onditions of T aubah are as F ollows
1. C essation of the sin.
2. Regret and remorse of the heart.
3. F irm resolve not to return to the sin.
R eturning the right of the oppressed, in that which is
particular to the rights of man.
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