Friday, October 26, 2012


For this reason, the Prophet ordered us to be patient when there is
injustice on the part of the ruler of the Muslims, and forbad us to
fight them, as long as they maintain the prayer, and he said:
"Give them what is due to them, and ask Allah what is due to you."
(Muslim and others)
Thus, one of the basic principles of Ahl As-Sunnah Wa Al-Jamaa :
loyalty to the larger group of the Muslim Ummah, not rebelling against
its rulers, and keeping away from battles when chaos and fitna arises.
As for the deviant groups such as the mu'tazilah, they view
fightingthe Imams of the Muslims as one of the principles of their
religion. The Mu'tazilah make the basis of their religion five
principles: " Tauhid " - which in their terminology means the negation
of all of Allah's names and characteristics, Divine Justice - which
means the denying of the decree of Allah in all things, the station
between the two stations- i.e. their erroneous theory that anyone who
sins is no longer a believer and not quite a kafir , he is stuck
somewhere in between, the carrying out of threats - taking literally
the threats of punishment which Allah attachesto various sins in the
Qur'an, and enjoining right and forbidding wrong - part of their
theory here is warfare against the imams of the Muslims.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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