Thursday, October 18, 2012

Protection from Wealth and Poverty

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) taught us this
Dua: "O Allah! I seek Your protection from the trial of wealth and I
seek Yourprotection from the trial of poverty." [Bukhaari]
In this dua we ask Allah to protect us from the trials of both
excessive wealth and excessive need.
Wealth in itself is not bad. Rather, it is a blessing from Allah
(subhana wa ta'ala) if a person is able to fulfill its dues and spend
it in the way prescribed by Allah. It was through his excessive
spending in thePath of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) that Uthman (radi
Allahu anhu) was able to earn for himself the rank and station that he
In the same way, if poverty is accompanied by patience, sufficiency
and gratitude (Sabr and Shukr) then this is also a great blessing from
Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). This is what the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi
wa sallam) chose for himself and his family members and extolled the
virtues of poverty and those in poverty.
If wealth and prosperity result in pride and arrogance taking over a
person's attitude and theperson does not spend his possessions
accordingto the will of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), thenhe is like
Qaroon and his destination is Hell-Fire.
In the same way if a person afflicted with poverty does not display
patience, and due to this deficiency becomes disobedient to Allah
(subhana wa ta'ala), thenthis is a punishment fromAllah.
Thus, in this Dua we seek protection from any condition that brings on
us Allah's wrath.

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