Monday, October 1, 2012

He wants to study genetics; is there anything wrong with that in shar‘i terms?

I am a student in the faculty of sciences and I want to choose a
specialtythat will not conflict with Islam. What do you think of
specialising in genetics?Is it permissible for me to choose this
Praise be to Allaah.
Every branch of knowledge that people need in their religious or
worldly affairs is not forbidden in and of itself with regard to
studying, learning and understanding. But what is of concern is how
this knowledge is used and applied. There is nothing wrong with
studying accountancy – for example– but the problem is with the
practical application ofit in the real life financial world, such as
working in riba-based banks and other institutions. The same may also
be said concerning medicine. It is a branch of knowledge that is very
important and people cannot do without it, but sometimes in real life
it is used for things that are forbidden in Islam, such as cosmetic
surgery for the purpose of beautification, abortions, and so on.
The same may be said concerning the science of genetics, which is
defined in al-Mu'jam al-Waseet (2/1024) as the science which examines
the transmission of characteristics in living beings from one
generation to another andexplaining the way this occurs. It is an
important branch of knowledge, one of the greatest benefits of which
is knowledge of hereditary diseases and how to protect against them
and treat them. It may also be used for beneficial purposes in plants
and animals. But at the same time there is room for those who are
toying with what is called cloning. We have discussed a little about
what is permitted and what is forbidden with regard to cloning and
genetic engineering in the answers to questions no. 103335 and 21582 .
What matters then is not the theoretical study of genetics; rather it
is the practical application thereof. Whatever is permissible and
beneficial is encouraged by Islam, and whatever is haraam and harmful,
is forbidden by Islam.
In a conference of the Islamic Association of Medical Sciences in
Kuwait,which was held under the heading, "Genetics,
GeneticEngineering, the Human Genome and Gene Therapy: an Islamic
View," with the participation of the Islamic Fiqh Council in Jeddah,
the Local Chapter of the World Health Organization in Alexandria, and
the IslamicOrganization for Education, Science and Culture, which was
held during the period 23-25 Jumaada al-Aakhirah 1419AH/13-15 October
1998 CE,the following statement was issued:
Islam is the religion of science and knowledge, asit says in the verse
in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the
"Say: 'Are those who knowequal to those who know not?'"
[al-Zumar 39:2].
Islam does not hold the human mind back from beneficial scientific
research, but it is not permissible for the results of this research
to be put into practice until they have been measured against Islamic
guidelines. Whatever is in accordance with sharee'ah is permitted, and
whatever goes against it is not permitted. The science of genetics
with its various aspects – as with all additions to knowledge – is
something that Islam encourages and Muslim scientists should be in the
forefront of it.
End quote.
And Allah knows best.


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