Saturday, October 20, 2012


Muhammad b.Jafar al-Bursi narrated from Muhammad b.Yahya al-Armani
from Muhammad b. Sinan al-Sinani from Yunus b.Zabyan from al-Mufaddal
b.'Umar fromAbu Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: 'This
is an invocation revealed by Jibrail, peace be upon him, to the
Prophet, peace be upon him, when the latter was suffering from a
headache (al-suda). Jibrail said: "O Muhammad, take refuge from your
headache withthis invocation, Allah will relieve you of it." Then he
said: "O Muhammad, whosoever takes refuge with this invocation seven
times of any pain that afflicts him. Allah will heal him if He wills.
Pass your hand over the painful area and say: 'In the Name of Allah,
our Lord, Whose mention is glorified in the heavens, our Lord, Whose
command in the heavens and the earth is executedand performed. Just
as Your command is executed in the heavens, bestow Your Mercy on
earth, and forgive us our sins and our faults. O Lord of the good,
the pure ones, bestow a cure,and mercy from Your Mercy, on so-and-so,
son of so-and-so', and mention his name."
Another invocation for headache: 'O One Who diminishes the great and
magnifies the small; O Remover of uncleanlinessfrom Muhammad and his
family, and their complete Purifier. Bless Muhammad and his family.
Remove what is in me of headache and migraine (al-shaqiqa).'

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