Thursday, October 4, 2012

Creation in the Quran

Religion has taught the truth of creation, which all people can grasp
through reason and personal observation, since the creation of
firsthuman being. All divine religions have taught that God created
the universe by commanding "Be!" and that its flawless functioning is
proof of His great power of creation. Many verses in the Qur'an also
reveal this truth. For example, God reveals how He miraculously
created theuniverse from nothing: " The Originator of the heavens and
Earth. When He decides on something, He just says to it, 'Be!' and it
is " (Surat al-Baqara, 117).
We are also told in the Qur'an:
He created the heavens and Earth with truth. Theday He says "Be!" it
is. Hisspeech is Truth. The Kingdom will be His on the Day the Trumpet
is blown, the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the
All-Wise,the All-Aware. (Surat al-An'am, 73)
We all know that presentday science demonstrates the invalidity of the
materialist-evolutionist claim and confirms the fact of creation.
Contraryto the claims of the theory of evolution, all the proofs of
creation that surround us show that chance had no role in the
universe's coming into existence. Every detail that emerges as we
observe the sky, Earth, and all living things is intended as evidence
of God's great power and wisdom.
God Created the Universefrom Nothing
God creates everything, in the form and at the time that He chooses,
without the use of any model and out of nothing. Since He is exalted
above any defectand is rich beyond any need. He has no need of any
cause, vehicle, or stages for His creation. Nobody should be deceived
by the fact thateverything is linked to given causes and naturallaws.
God is beyond all these causes and laws, since He created them.
God, the Lord of the Earth and the Heavens, can also do away with
these causes if He so wills. For instance, He can create people who do
not need oxygen to survive, and therefore do not need any lungs. Given
this, why would He "need" to perfect the lung by making it evolveover
time or through any other mechanism? It is therefore completely wrong
for people to think of God's greatness and might as being limited to
their own feelings and reason. We can have knowledge only to the
extent that He permits.
God can use particular stages in His creation if He so wills. For
example, He produces a plant from a seed or a human being from the
coming together of a sperm and an egg cell. Yet these stages have
nothing to do with evolution and have no room for chanceor
coincidence. Every stage in the emergence of a plant, or the turningof
a single cell into a human being "in the best of forms," happens
thanks to the perfect systems created by God'sinfinite might.
God willed and created the Earth and the Heavens, all that lies
between, and all living and non-living things. This is very easy for
Him, as indicated in the Qur'an:
He created the heavens and Earth with truth. Theday He says "Be!" it
is. Hisspeech is Truth... (Surat al-An'am, 73)
Our Word to a thing when We will it is just to say to it "Be!" and it
is. (Surat an-Nahl, 40)
He gives life and causes to die. When He decides on something, He just
says to it, "Be!" and it is. (Surah Ghafir, 68)
Creation is very easy for God. As revealed in theseverses, God says to
a thing "Be!," thereby willing it to be so. God reveals in many verses
that He created the universe and living things in perfect form. It is
a grave mistake for believers to adhere to forced explanations in the
face of this evident truth and to make such specious claims that God
employed evolution to create and used mutation, natural selection, and
transitional stages between apes and humans. It is quite wrong to put
forward such accounts, for whichthere is no evidence in either the
Qur'an or science, in the hope of being accepted by evolutionists.
God makes all the laws in the universe and givesthem the form He
chooses, brings about what He wills and when He wills it, permeates
everything in the Earth and the Heavens, and rules everything with
Hispower. Yet some people do not fully comprehendHis might and thus
judgeHim based upon their own limited powers.
God reveals their existence in the Qur'an:
They do not measure God with His true measure when they say:"God would
not send down anything to a mere human being."... (Surat al-An'am, 91)
They do not measure God with His true measure. God is All-Strong,
Almighty. (Surat al-Hajj, 74)
They do not measure God with His true measure. The whole Earth will be
a mere handful for Him on the Day of Resurrection the heavens folded
up in His right hand. Glory be to Him! He is exalted above the
partners they ascribe! (Surataz-Zumar, 67)
Contrary to what those who believe in evolutionary creation suggest,
God did not firstcreate apes and then cause them to evolve into humans
through flawed transitional forms with missing organs. Rather, as the
Qur'an reveals, God created man in the most perfect manner:
We created man in the finest mold. (Surat at-Tin, 4)
He created the heavens and Earth with truth andformed you, giving you
the best of forms. And Heis your final destination. (Surat
at-Taghabun, 3)
These verses are some ofthe proofs that God created man in perfect
form, in other words, the form that he has now.
Of course, man also has several incapacities and weaknesses, all of
whichremind him of his poverty before our Lord. Deformities and
disabilities are the results of a purposeful creation, for they serve
as reminders for those who see them and as a test for those who carry
them. They are not imperfections caused by evolutionary process as
falsely claimed by the evolutionists.
In the Qur'an, God describes how easy creation is for Him:
Does He Who created theheavens and Earth not have the power to create
the same again? Yes indeed! He is the Creator, the All-Knowing.(Surah
Ya Sin, 81)
Your creation and resurrection is only like that of a single self. God
is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.(Surah Luqman, 28)


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