This was the time when Muslims had started building mosques and
schools all over Spain and eminent divines and jurists of Islam had
come over to this country. In the capital Cordova the Islamic system
of teaching and training had been introduced. Ziad b. Umar was a
highlylearned traditionist, philosopher and interpreter of the Quran.
At the same time he had no equal in offering prayers and, due to his
integrity, purity, and unostentatious prayerfulness, he was held in
great affection throughout Spain. He would spend his days in teaching
and at nights hewould attend gatherings of divines and officials ofthe
government. His house was adjacent to the University of Cordova and so
after isha prayer those interested in learning gathered at his house.
One day while this meeting was in progress and eminent divines and men
of letters were present, Ziad b. Umar came. All stood up in his
respect. After they were seated Ziad enquired after everyone's health
and then addressed UmarLahmi.
Ziad b. Umar: May Allah fructify your efforts! You have conveyed the
message of truth in the very home of unbelief and humbled unbelievers.
Umar Lahmi: I am just an ordinary weak Muslim and this has been
possible because of your prayers. Isabella has accepted Islam in her
heart. She was desirous of meeting you, so she has come here for an
Ziad b. Umar : Oh! Is Isabella present here? Umar Lahmi: Yes, she has
been put up in the adjoining house and if you permit she may be
brought to your presence.
Ziad: Yes, certainly. If she has come to meet me, let her come.
Asad (one of those present): By Allah, sir, thisis very great. There
is a great commotion among the Christians of Cordova.But is it
Isabella alone who has been attracted to Islam or are there others
also with her?
Umar Lahmi: About this you will hear from Isabella herself.
Another of the audience: I have heard that Christians intend to kill Isabella.
Umar Lahmi: So far Isabella has taken great care to keep it secret. No
one has found out that she has embraced Islam or intends to do. So the
rumour of the intention to kill her is premature.
Ziad: Now call Isabella here. We shall hear the interesting details
from her own lips.
Shortly after Isabella enters and, seeing Ziad b.Umar sitting at a
prominent place, raises her hand to salute him and sits in a corner,
while all those present congratulate her on her great courage and
Ziad: Daughter Isabella, I congratulate you on yourlove of truth Allah
has taken you out of the darkness of unbelief and granted you the boon
of Islam, relieved you from the labrynth of Trinity and put you on to
the Straight Path beset with dangers. To remain firm on it is the task
of a very brave person. But those in whose hearts Islam hasfirmly
established itself would not mind the greatest trouble of the earth.
Allah guides them.
Isabella: Revered father…
Ziad: Daughter, you have to give up such words too. There is no papacy
in Islam. Islam has not given its divines the position which
Christians have given to their priests. There is perfect equality in
Islam. The only duty of the divines isto guide Muslims in the light of
the Holy Quran and sacred Traditions of the Prophet. It is the dutyof
Muslims to act on that guidance and not to "deify them or make them
masters of all their affairs.
Isabella (ashamed): Now you will yourself teach me how I should
address you and other leaders of Islam.
Ziad: Address me and other Muslims just as brothers, but if you desire
to add anything, just say "Sir".
Isabella : Very well, sir, I will obey all your orders in future. Oh
sir, it is a great benevolence and grace of God that He showed this
humble servant the path of truth and justice and took me out of the
course of Trinity and worship of the Cross. The means of my guidance
is my spiritual preceptor and benefactor Umar Lah-mi, who preached to
all the priests of Cordova in their own homes and, through him, the
call of truth reached my ears. I wholeheartedly pray thatGod grant him
all the boons of this world and the next and by your prayer my life
and death be on Islam.
All those present cried: Amin.
Ziad: Daughter, Allah wants to take from you great service and surely
Muslims will be greatly benefited through you. But say if you have
converted any one of theother ladies.
Isabela: Yes, sir, I have four other friends of mine who have lost
their faith in Christianity and are inclined to Islam. Godwilling, I
will bring them with me tomorrow or theday after, that they may have
grace from you and any doubts that may still lurk in them are removed.
Umar Lahmi: Sister, who are these friends of yours? By Allah, we have
no knowledge of them and you never mentioned them to me.
Isabela: One of them is the daughter of Michael, my teacher in
theology, and there are other three. All these have been listening to
all the discussions.
Umar Lahmi: Have they really become Muslimss and seen through the
weaknesses of Christianity ?
Isabella: The weaknesses of Christianity have become manifest to all
ofthem, and they have recognised the truth of Islam, but they have not
yet mustered enough courage to give up their ancestral religion and
declare their adherence to Islam.
Ziad: Well, Allah will give them the necessary courage. We shall also
pray for them.
Umar Lahmi: Bring Michael's daughter also some day so that her doubts
may also be removed.
Isabella: Tomorrow or day after I will surely bring her with me and if
all the four girls do not come, I will bring at least this one
(Michael's daughter) with me.
Ziad: I tell you, daughter, again that you should accept Islam after
clearing all your doubts and never, by any greed or deception, for
Allah wants sincerity and the Quran says that a Muslim's life and
death, prayer and devotion, sitting and standing, sleep and walking
everything should be for Allah and the pleasure of Allah should be the
aim of our life.
Isabella: Oh sir, I say it and bring God to witnessthat no lust or
greed has brought me to the threshold of Islam, nor the acquisition of
wealth and power is my aim. You yourself know the honour my father
enjoys in Cordova and throughout Spain.
Ziad: May Allah reward you, give you firmness and shower His bounties on you.
Umar Lahmi: Islam is the only religion by accepting which Allah's
bounties are showered on man and all his sins are forgiven.
Isabella (smiling): All my sins are forgiven every week by the priest
of Cordova, who is in charge of the department of inquisition and
(bowing her head) I am already sinless and innocent.
Ziad: What is this department of inquisition and what is the meaning
of the priestforgiving sins ? Can any man also forgive sins ?
Isabella (with a sham humility): Oh sir, this story is most
interesting and probably quite novelto you, as you are not aware of
the inner working of Christianity.
Ziad: Will you inform us of these matters? Such interesting facts
should certainly be worth knowing and no one can relate them better
than you.
Isabella: Oh sir! Christians go before the altar of theChrist in the
presence of the head priest every week and confess their sins which
the head priest forgives as, according to Christian creed, the head
priest has power to do that as he is considered to be the
representative of Saint Peter.
Ziad: La hawla wala quwwata ilia billah [Allahforgive us! There is no
power or authority except with Allah]. Can any man forgive sins except
Allah ? This is why the Quran has accused Christians that they have
made their priests and elders their Rabb (fosterer) besides Allah. (In
surprise) Have the priests the authority to forgive all sins?
Isabella: Yes, provided the sinner confesses all his open and secret
sins before the priest. If he has concealed anything itwill not be
Isabella – A girl of Islamic Spain
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