Saturday, October 6, 2012

1b. Which angels take the soul of the Muslim, the angels of mercy or the angels of wrath?

"Taste the punishment of the blazing Fire"
[al-Anfaal 8:50].
And there are other similarverses. End quote from Adwa' al-Bayaan, 3/3
Perhaps it may be said here -- and Allah knows best -- that the
situation of those who commit acts of disobedience and majorsins, at
the time of death, varies according to their level of disobedience and
obedience. For the person who is one of those who affirm Tawheed and
are good and righteous, they will have the glad tidings and good
situation that Allah has promised here, and that the one who mixed
good deeds with bad deeds will find himselfin a mixed situation, so he
will be deprived of the glad tidings and good situation and merciful
treatment by the angels, according to his situation and deed

And Allah knows best.


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