Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1a. 'Any disaster that strikes you is through what your own hands have earned' (Surat Ash-Shura: 30)

One should see this infinite perfection in Allah's Character and
submit himself to His Justice. If one has some adequacies in his life,
heshould search for the solution of this in his own morality. He
shouldintend to love Allah evenmore; to live by the morality Allah
commands more fastidiously; to erase even the smallest evil thoughts
from his heart; to look into every incident through the Qur'anic point
of view; and to live all his life with the accuracy Allah demands.
Then, by the leave of Allah- as Allah promised- all the goods he had
done, would be recompensed with even betters both in this world and in
the Hereafter.
Anyone who acts rightly,male or female, being a mumin, We will give
them a good life and Wewill recompense them according to the best of
what they did. (Surat An-Nahl:97)


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