Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wind carried the man to where he belonged

Once the angel of death (Hadrat Izra'il) appeared in the form of human
being in the court of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) and gazed
continously at a person present there for some time. When the angel of
death vanished, that person asked Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon
him): "Who was that person?" He told him that that was the angel of
death. He remarked: "The angel of death had gazed at me in such a
manner asif he had determined to take my life." Prophet Sulaiman
(peace be upon him) asked him: "What doyou want?" He requested him to
drop him in India. Prophet Sulaiman commanded the air to carry him up
and drop him in India. Consequently the air carried him to India
(which was very far from where he was). The angel of death came to
Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him). He asked him "Why did you fix
your gaze at that person?" Angel of death told: "I wondered that the
Almighty Allah had commanded me to take the life of this personin
India whereas he is sitting here in your presence."

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