Monday, September 10, 2012

When does an oath count? ~{Details-}

Is it considered an oath if you think of the oath in your head and
say"WAllahi" out loud?"
In the name of Allah, the inspirer of truth
If you just said the oaths in your mind like you said ( so I would
think of it, then say Wa Allah, so that then I would have to that
thing) and not uttered them verbally, then this does not count as an
oath, but it is just mere intention, but if you uttered the oaths
verbally then for each oath which you have broken you haveto give a
kaffarah from thefollowing things as mention in Quduri:
Expiation of a broken oath
1. The expiation of an oathis:
Freeing a slave. There suffices for it that which suffices in [the
expiation ofzihar]. [Or] If one wishes, he may clothe ten destitute
people, [giving] each of them one garmentor more, the minimum of
[each] being that in which salah is valid, [or] If one wishes, he may
feed ten destitute people, like the feeding in the expiation ofzihar.
2. If one is not capable of any of these three things, one fasts three
consecutive days
Swearing and oath is effected by use of the swearing letters. The
swearing letters are:
The waw, such as one�s saying, "Wallahi" [By Allah]
The ba, such as one�s saying, "Billahi" [By Allah]
The ta, such as one�s saying, "Tallahi" [By Allah]
And Allah alone knows best

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