Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Pyramid Of King Khafre

Pyramid of King Khafre
Builder: King Khafre.
Constructed: 2520-2494 BC.
Height: 143.5 meters.
Location: Giza city.
King Khafre (Son of King Khufu – 4th dynasty) built his pyramid on a
higher ground than this of Khufu's Pyramid (10 meters higher); When
youtake a look at the Giza plateau for the first time you will think
that khafre'spyramid Is the greatest among the Giza pyramids.
Khafre's pyramid can easily be identified due to the smooth outer
white limestone casing around the peak which is still there. Unlike
Khufu's pyramid, this pyramid is very simple in design; the entire
chambers are located below ground level (unless there are more
chambers that we don't know of yet).
The entrance to Khafre's pyramid
At the north face of the pyramid two entrances are available, one at
ground level and the other is a little bit higher in the north wall;
the ground level entrance is the one currently used by visitors who
wish to see the interior of Khafre's pyramid. Once you enter the
pyramid, you go through a short descending corridor until it levels
off; then you can either descend to a subsidiary chamber to theright
or ascend to the main burial chamber.
The coffer of King Khafre
It is not yet clear why kingKhafre chose to have two entrances to his
pyramid; some historians think that the pyramid was built this way
because it was intended to be larger than Khufu's pyramid.
Although this pyramid wasintended to be greater than King Khufu's
pyramid; King Khafre constructed another master piece, the incredible
man-lion, and the guard of Khafre's pyramid; the sphinx. The
sphinx is one of world's largest and earlieststatues; it was carved
out of a lump of rock the size of a jumbo jet; it was buried up to
its neck by drifting desert sands; which helped preserve thestatue
until it was fully uncovered in 1925.
The Sphinx
The Sphinx has a body of alion, and the head was carved to resemble
King Khafre himself; both the sphinx and Khafre's statue wear a
striped head cloth,which is a symbol of royalty.
One of the interesting stories associated with thesphinx is about a
tablet between the sphinx's frontpaws that tells a story of king
Thutmosis the fourthwho, in around 1400 BC fell asleep beneath the
sphinx and dreamt that he would be made king if he clears away the
sand that was burying the Sphinx. Thutmosis did this,and he became
King. The sand later returned.

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