Monday, September 10, 2012

The Fiqh of Punctuality ~{Details-}

Muslims have a reputation of always being late for everything. MST
(Muslim Standard Time) is jokingly understood to be a considerable
amount of time after the agreed upon start of an event, work, school,
or meeting. What�s the fiqhof punctuality and being late?
Wa Alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate
Agreeing to be somewhere at a given time is like a promise and
therefore, the Fiqh of Promises applies to it. Making a promise
without firm resolve and reasonable surety of fulfilling it is
improper, butnot sinful because of secondary issues that may arise and
prevent one from fulfilling it.
However, contractual matters such as jobs, classes, appointments,
andthe like are different. Allah says: �Oh you who believe,fulfill
your contracts�. The scholars mention that �contracts� here refers to
every form of commitment. It is obligatory (fard) to be on time if
this is the expectation. Even being a little late is at least
improper, and is unbecoming of a Muslim inour times. Undue delay is
otherwise sinful, except for slight delays that are customarily
The believer should uphold themselves to the most excellent of
character, for the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him
peace) said �The closest of you to me on the Day of Judgement are
those best of character�.
Shaykh Muhammad Qaylish mentions that in our times, when the Shariah
is distant from society, we are ambassadors of Islam and must act in
order to uphold a favourable impression of Islam. This entails:
1) upholding commitments with excellence 2) being easy-going without being lax.
And Allah Most High knows best.

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