Q.) In some masajid, they have short announcments/talks between the
fardh and sunnah salat such as:
1.) A short talk, after prayer, on sunnah and adab.
2.) The Imam stands and talks to the congregation for a few minutes
and gives them advice.
3.) Du'a requests for sick and deceased people.
4.) In some schools, they have students read a page of Qur'an after
prayer to encourage other students to memorize.
What is the legal status of all of these announcements? The reason for
the question is that people who missed a few rakahs of prayer are
making up the missed rakahs are usually when the announcements start.
Or people start praying their sunnah and are interrupted by
announcements. So even if it is permissible to make a short
announcement after prayer, does the legal ruling change because of the
possibility of disturbingsomeone else's prayer?
A.) We are of the opinion that if people are performing Salaah or
making up for some missed rakaats, then announcements and duas should
not be made using the loud speaker unless they are extremely important
and kept very concise.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best/
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