Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sneezing During Friday Sermon

Friday Prayers
What should a person do if he sneezes during the Jumu'ah khutbah
(sermon)? Should he say "al-hamdu Lillah"?.
Praise be to Allaah.
If a person who is listening to the khutbah (sermon) on Friday
sneezes, he should say "al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allah)" quietly
to himself. If anyone hears him, it is not permissible for him to say
to him "Yarhamuk Allah (may Allah have mercy on you)".
It says in al-Mudawwanah(1/230): Maalik said concerning someone who
sneezes when the imam isdelivering the khutbah that he should say
"al-hamdu Lillah" quietly to himself. No one should say "Yarhamuk
Allah" to the one who sneezed when the imam is delivering the khutbah.
End quote.
Al-Mirdaawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is permissible for
him tosay Ameen to the du'aa' and to say "al-hamdulillah" silently
ifhe sneezes. End quote from al-Insaaf, 2/418
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If he sneezes, he
has to praise Allah (say "al-hamdu Lillah") to himself and not raise
his voice.
End quote from Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 12/411
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy onhim) said: If a member
of the congregation sneezes on Friday, he should say "al-hamdulillah"
silently. If he says it out loud and the people around him hear him,
it is not permissible for them to say "Yarhamuk Allah" to him.

And Allah knows best.

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