Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Only one Advice

I'm often touched by my readers' comments, and I feel grateful to
Allah that I have the opportunity to help people through my writing.
However, I will no longer advise people personally through email or
Facebookchat. I have so many business and personal projects going, and
I also have a daughter to take care of. And I have my own struggles.
I'm doing my best just to walk the path, and raise Salma up right.
I have to be blunt about another thing: sometimes sisters read my
writing or poetry here and then wantto message me privately. I'm not
comfortable with that. Please take my writing as it is: a gift, a
sharing of whatever wisdom I have acquired, and an expression of love
to all. And if you benefit from it then Alhamdulillah.
If you need advice on a marriage or family issue, please to go my
IslamicAnswers.com website and submit your question to the team.
Besides, I really have only one answer to almost any question:
"Take responsibility for your own choices and happiness. Live up to
your talents and make something happen. Eliminate 'I can't' from your
vocabulary. Create opportunities. People will tell you 'no': you tell
them 'yes'.
Turn to God for guidance with an open heart and have the courage to
followwhat comes, rather than clinging to your own imagined outcomes.
He will always provide a way out, will always open a door; you only
need eyes to see it, and that comes from sincerity.
Be sincere with yourself above all, because if you'relying to yourself
then you're stuck. Focus on yourown mistakes rather than the mistakes
of others, butonly in order to learn and do better. Don't bind
yourself with guilt and self-pity. Regret for the past is a waste:
it's gone and you can't change it, so forgive yourself and forgive
Believe in something greater than yourself. You have a purpose in this
life, a mission, and most likely you know in your heart what it is, so
find a way to follow that path, one step at a time.
Guard your spirit from harm but be open to love. Choose compassion
again and again, even when the world makes it hard. Be patient with
your family and friends. Don't hold your love back: you only go
through this world once, so let your love shinelike the sun."
Finito. If this has been helpful, then make dua' forme. Jazakum Allah
khayr, may Allah reward you all.

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