Monday, September 10, 2012

Money raised for dawah purposes: is itpermissible for the one who is doing dawah to use this m ~{Details-}

I�m thinking of going into Dawa fulltime. But I need money to support
me as well so is it permissible to take money for personal needs from
money raised for dawa purpose or should I have something else on side.
Assalamu alaykum
In the name of Allah the Inspirer of truth.
It is superior and most virtuous to be independent and have one's own
source of income. This way one is not dependent on others. The
Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace said),"For one of you to gather
firewood on his back (for income) is better than asking others, who
may give him or turn him down" (Bukhari and Muslim).
Having said this, it is permissible to utilize the money collected for
dawa upon oneself, if it is clearlyunderstood by the contributors that
their money (or a percentage ofit) would be used for the person
working in the field. If this is not clear andthe contributors are
under the impression that it will only be used for purchasing books,
pamphlets, other literature, hosting programs, and setting up
websites, etc, and not as a salary for the person then it would not be
permissible to utilize anything thereof for one's self.
Hence, we encourage that you should have a side jobto lean on while
fulfilling the honorable task of dawa. May Allah grant youbaraka.
And Allah knows best.

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