Thursday, September 13, 2012

Moderation in Human Relations

"Love your friend moderately lest he becomes your enemy one day, and
hate your enemy moderately lest he becomes your friend one day!"
When we get extremely close to people and lower our guard by letting
them know every detail of our life, trusting them with everything, a
day can come when we regret because they can hold us ransom with what
they know about us if the friendship is broken f…or some reason.
At times we cannot correctpeople because we have allowed them to get
so close to us that they would use against us some of what they know
of us.
Similarly when we dislike someone, we should neveroppress them or do
something unbecoming of a true believer as a day may come when a
strong friendship is developed between us and we are embarrassed by
past actions.
Amazing piece of advice which is worth pondering over and making good
useof in our lives. An enemy can become a very great friend or
relative and a friend can become a fierce enemy.
"The Almighty is all able tocreate between you and your enemies a
strong bond of friendship for indeed Allah is All Able, Allah is Most
Forgiving Most Merciful"

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