Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fasting is a Shield

Fasting is a shield for a person which protects them from Shaytan,
Allah 'spunishment and Jahannam. However, one needs to make sure the
shield is not damaged in any way. Otherwise it will not be effective
in doing itsjob. The actions that damage this shield and render it
useless are sins like Backbiting, Lying, Evil Glance, Swearing,
Nonsensical Conversation, Arguments, Slander, HaramSustenance, and
every other evil.
Besides the compulsory fasting in the month of Ramadan , one should
try to fast during those days for which Rasoolullah (صلي الله عليه و
سلم) has mentioned many rewards, for example:
*. 6 days of Shawwal
*. Day of Aarafah
*. Ashoora (9th & 10th or 10th & 11th of Muharram)


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