Monday, September 17, 2012

Evolution Theory Cannot Explain How Life Originated

Origin-of-life researcherscannot identify any location on primordial
Earth suitable for production of prebiotic molecules. Those
studyingthe problems cannot explain how the uniform "handedness"
(homochirality) of amino acids, nucleotides, and sugars could emerge
in any so-called prebiotic soup.
Data from the geological, geochemical, and fossil records all place
impossible constraints on naturalistic scenarios. Life arose rapidly
and early in Earth's history - as soon asEarth could possibly support
it. Origin-of-life researchers recognize thatlife had no more than
tens of millions of years to emerge. Life also appeared under
amazingly harsh conditions – conditions that would not allow life to
survive, let alone originate.
Earth's first life was complex chemically… Consistent with this,
investigators have discovered that life in its most minimal form
requires an astonishing number of proteins that must be spatially and
temporally organized within the cell.
History seems to be repeating itself. Just as the first Darwinists
gave up on the earliest versionsof abiogenesis, so scientists today
are abandoning long-cherished pillars of the naturalistic
origin-of-life paradigm. Many now speculate that life may have
originated somewhere other than onEarth.

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