Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daughter of Namrud

Namrud was the oppressive king who threw Ibrahim (A.S.) into the fire.
His daughter, Ru'dah, was watching the scene from above. She noticed
that the fire was having no effect on Ibrahim (A.S.). She shouted and
asked him the reason for this.
Ibrahim (A.S.) replied: " Allah has saved me from this calamity
through the blessing of iman."
She replied: "If you permit me, I will also come into the fire."
He replied: "Recite Lâ ilâha illallâhu Ibrahim khalîlullâh
(translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Ibrahim
is the close friend of Allah).
She recited this kalimah and immediately dived into the fire. The fire
had no effect on her as well. She then came out of the fire and went
and rebukedand censured her father. He subjected her to great
difficulties but she remained steadfast on her iman.
Lesson: Glory be to Allah! How courageous she was that she did not
abandon her iman even when in difficulty! O women! You should also be
strong-willed at the time of difficulties and do not act contrary to
the Deen even if it equals a hair's breadth.

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