Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bibi Karimah bint Ahmad Maruzi

She had been a world reputed scholar in fifth century Hijrah. She was
daughter of Ahmad ibnMuhammadibn Abi ... Spain, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn
Sabaq Saqli was a devoted learner from her. He, after the Muslim rule
at Saqqlyah (Sicily) ended, had gone to Makkah where he achieved
learning of Hadith from her. He, afterwards went to Spain and made her
abode in Granada to narrate Ahadith, he had learnt at Makkah. Ibn
Bashkwal says…
(Abu Bakr Muhammad reported Ahadith from Karimah bint AhmadAl-Maruzi
and others, He came to Andalus and the people of Granada passionately
learned from him).
AIlama Khatib Baghdadi says in Tarikh Baghdad (History of Baghdad)
that he, in 463H, during the days of Hajj, heard Sahih Bukhari from
Karimah. Hundreds of seekers participated in the Dars session of
Muhaddithah Karimah and quenched their thirst of learning. Besides Abu
Bakr Muhammad, Allama KhatibBaghdadi and Allama Abu Talib Zaynabi, a
number ofother scholars of great esteem attained knowledge of Hadith
from her. Bibi Karimah was said to have achieved perfection in
mysticism besides other faculties of studies. She presumabty died
about 464H with the controversy on the exactness of the date.
(Khazinat-ul-Asfia, Tarikh Saqqlya)

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