Wednesday, September 26, 2012

At what point should one stand up when hearing the iqaamah?

When to stand in Iqamah?
Is it immediately after"Allahu Akbar"(of Iqamah),in between of Iqamah
or after "la illaha illah"(of Iqamah).
Praise be to Allah.
The scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) differed concerning the
point at which one should stand up to pray. There are several opinions
that were mentioned by an-Nawawi in al-Majmoo' (3/233), and they are
as follows:
(i) That he should stand up when the muezzin starts to
recite the iqaamah. This is the view of 'Ata' and az-Zuhri
(ii) That he should stand up when the muezzin says "hayya
'ala as-salaah (come to prayer)". This is the view of Abu Haneefah.
(iii) That he should stand up when the muezzin has
completed the iqaamah. This is the view of ash-Shaafa'i.
(iv) That there is no specific point at which oneshould
stand up; rather it is permissible for the worshipper to stand up at
the beginning of the iqaamah, during it or at the end of it. This is
the view of the Maalikis.
(v) That it is Sunnah to stand up when the muezzin says
"Qad qaamat is-salaah (prayer isabout to begin)" if the worshipper can
see the imam; if he cannot see him, then he should stand up when he
does see the imam. This is the view of Imam Ahmad.
There is no clear evidence from the Sunnah to support any of these
opinions; rather this is the ijtihaad worked out by theimams according
to what each of them thought wascorrect.
Based on that, the matter is broad in scope, so the worshipper may
stand up whenever he wants, at thebeginning of the iqaamah or during
it. But the Sunnah indicates that if the muezzin gives the iqaamah for
prayer when the imam has not yet entered the mosque, then the
worshippers may not stand up until they see him.
It was narrated that Abu Qataadah (may Allah be pleased with him)
said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "When the iqaamah for prayer is given, do not stand up
until you see me.". Narrated by al-Bukhaari (637) and Muslim (604).
According toa version narrated by Muslim: "Until you see thatI have
come out."

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