Sunday, September 9, 2012

7a] Prophet Yusuf 2

When the king was told of this interpretation, he asked that Yusuf
(Alayhis salam) be brought to him from the prison. But Yusuf (Alayhis
salam) would not leave until his name had been cleared. The king
summoned all the women and they told him that Yusuf (Alayhis salam)
had done nothing wrong. The wife of the chief who had pursued Yusuf
(Alayhis salam) confessed that it was she who had been at fault. When
Yusuf (Alayhis salam) was released, he was relieved that everyone now
knew that he had done nothing deceitful. And he was grateful to Allah
for forgiving any evil thoughtswhich he might have had.
The king called Yusuf (Alayhis salam) to him, and, after they had
spokentogether for some time, the king was so impressed that he wanted
to bestow on Yusuf (Alayhis salam) a position of trust . Yusuf
suggested that he be placed in charge of all the storehouses in the
land, for he felt confident of his ability to administer them wisely.
Thus Allah rewarded Yusuf. He had risen from servantand prisoner to a
very powerful position in the land of Egypt.
To be continued.

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