Saturday, September 29, 2012

5a. The miracle of iron

Surat al-Hadid 25, which refers to iron, contains two rather
interesting mathematical codes.
"Al- Hadid" is the 57th sura in the Qur'an. The abjad of the word
"Al-Hadid" in Arabic, when the numerological values of its letters are
added up, is also 57.
The numerological value of the word "hadid" alone is 26. And 26 is the
atomic number of iron.
Moreover, iron oxide particles were used in a cancer treatment in
recentmonths and positive developments were observed. A team led by
Dr. Andreas Jordan, at the world famous Charité Hospital in Germany,
succeeded in destroying cancer cells with this new technique developed
for the treatment of cancer—magnetic fluid hyperthermia (high
temperature magnetic liquid). As a result of this technique, first
performed on the 26-year-old Nikolaus H., no new cancercells were
observed in the patient in the following three months.
This method of treatment can be summarised as follows:
1. A liquid containing iron oxide particles is injected into the
tumour by means of a special syringe. These particles spread
throughout the tumour cells. This liquid consists ofthousands of
millions of particles, 1,000 times smaller than the red
bloodcorpuscles, of iron oxide in1 cm3 that can easily flow through
all blood vessels. 5
2. The patient is then placed in a machine with apowerful magnetic field.
3. This magnetic field, applied externally, begins to set the iron
particles in the tumour in motion. During this time the temperature in
the tumour containing the iron oxide particles rises by up to 45
4. In a few minutes the cancer cells, unable to protect themselves
from the heat, are either weakened or destroyed. The tumour may then
be completely eradicated with subsequent chemotherapy. 6
In this treatment it is only the cancer cells that are affected by the
magnetic field, since only they contain the iron oxide particles. The
spread of this technique is a major development in the treatment of
this potentially lethal disease. In the treatment of such a widespread
disease as cancer, the use of the expression "iron in whichthere lies
great force andwhich has many uses formankind" (Qur'an, 57:25) in the
Qur'an is particularlynoteworthy. Indeed, in that verse, the Qur'an
maybe indicating the benefits of iron for human health. (Allah knows


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