Saturday, September 29, 2012

5. The provocation of ''the film about our Prophet (saas)'' is designed to disintegrate believers

The American-produced film with a blasphemous content against Islam
and our Prophet (saas) – surelyIslam and our blessed Prophet (saas)
are beyond that – has instantly dominated the world agenda. Some
people haveimmediately fallen into the trap of this provocative act.
They started engaging in protests, attacked embassies, and even
killedpeople. They accused governments, states, nations, races and
religions simply because of an ordinary film based on the distortions
produced by an ordinary person. Newspapers, in their own eyes,
disseminated "an aggressive, hate-monger image of a Muslim who burns
flags and engages inferocious activities." A tremendous propaganda of
"Bloody Islam" has been initiated. For days, anti-Islamists all over
the world distorted these propaganda materials as they liked and used
them for their own benefits.
The provocation accomplished its goal in a short while: as a result,
an ordinary, anti-Islamic producer of a very ordinary film, which is
entirely divorced from facts and based on distortions, has become
world famous. This weird film which is composed of made-up stories
which would otherwise not be heard by anyone if these incidents have
not occurred also became well-known.
Those who, in their own eyes, strive to show Islam as a religion of
blood and vulgarity, have accomplished their stealthy intentions and
those who say "Allah is One" were set against one another.
What is astonishing is that, upon the word of an impertinent
anti-Islamic person, Muslims immediately believed thatthis movie was
about our blessed our Prophet (saas).This incomprehensible assertion
of an impertinent person was somehow taken seriously. Muslims adopted
this assertion simply because he told so, not realizing the fact that
they have become instrumental in spreading this provocation. They did
not understand that they werefallen into a trap. They could not
realize that the goal of this poor, ordinary person was to become
renowned and to disintegrate religions. The fact is however, believers
had to think in line with the Qur'an and realize thatthey have been
instrumental in making anordinary person accomplish his goal. They had
to comprehend that they had become instrumental in presentingan
unknown person like a very important individual.
Insult belongs to those who utter it. The producer of this movie told
himself in this movie and thus insulted himself.
There is a well-known phrase: insults always belong to the ones who
utter them. The producer of the film made a film about himself. In his
film, he described his own flawed character traits, his distorted
ideas and made all the insults to himself.
It is very striking that Muslims take such a very common person who
has fallen into the situation of hurling insults to himself so
But why have Muslims been so rapidly provoked?There are two reasons of
it. First; ignorance and lackof knowledge. Second; fanaticism, that is
bigotry. The fact is however, lack of knowledge is a concept that also
includes bigotry, because in our day many people assume the
bigotrythey experience to be Islam. They think that being a Muslim
necessitates feeling rage and spilling blood. For thisreason, they
take an impertinent seriously, invade embassies, murder people, curse
countries and nations, burn flags and continuously mention blood and
These Muslims are even unaware that they, in fact, commit a sin. The
great majority of these people are driven away from the Qur'an by
bigots. The fact is, according to the Qur'an taking the soul of an
innocent soul; declaring religions, nations and races as enemies;
giving the image of hatred and fear to human beings is unlawful. This
way, these people commit sins. Remaining under the influence of filthy
indoctrinations of bigots, they believe the pervertedreligion made up
by them to be the true religion. However what matters in the religion
that one experiences by living by the Qur'an is to eliminate the seeds
of rage and to treat everyone of every religion, language, race and
nation with love. Thatis why these people have the need to urgently
try tounderstand the soul and essence of the Qur'an.
The goal of the satan is driving a wedge among believers; Muslims must
not permit this to happen
Satan always tries to weaken believers and he commits this by stirring
upsources of disorder that will drive them apart. Satan have always
taken advantage from disbelievers' union, some Muslims' harboring ill
will against the People of the Book (Christians and Jews),:->


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