Sunday, September 2, 2012

5 Amazing Things You DidntKnow About Surah Fatiha

Surah Fatiha is called the 'The Opening', is the first Surah of the
Quran. Besides having the honor of starting the Quran, It also has
some very great benefits of reading it.
1) According to a Hadith by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Prophet Muhammed
PBUH has been recorded as calling Surah Fatihah the greatest surah of
the Quran. Imagine that! This is Prophet Muhammed recommending it the
best from himself!
2) Surah Fatiha has been called one of the two light,by none oter than
Angel Jibrael. According to this, Surah fatiha is the most important
key to heaven!
3) Surah Fatiha alone has the distinction of being a Fard (necessary)
component of a namaz. Without it namaz is not complete. So let me
rephrase, out of the 114 surahs only surah fatiha gets recited in
every namaz.
4) It is known as one of the best Dua's taught to the Muslims by
Allah's ownself. During the recitation of this surah Allah himself
answers the reciter, which in itself is a great honor.
5) It has been quoted and known as being the cure to a scorpion bite!
So the next time you reciteSurah Fatiha, whether in prayers or while
reading Quran, remember these amazing facts and be happy and content

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