Thursday, September 13, 2012

4b] Beware of the evil plans of Satan

One can also drive away evil plans of Satan by constantly remembering
Allah by saying "SubhaanAllah" (glory be to Allah), "Alhamdulillaah"
(praise be to Allah) "Allahu Akbar" ( Allah is the Greatest) "Laa
ilaaha illa Allah" (None has the right to be worshipped except Allah)
e.t.c. The Prophet saws said:
"Whoever says, "La ilaaha illa Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lahoo,
lahul-mulk, walahul-hamdu wa huwa alaa kulli shay'in qadeer," (
meaning: There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. He isOne
without any partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and praise andHe has
power over all things) hundred times a day, that will be enough for
him as a protection from Satan for the whole day. it is also as if he
has freed a slave and one hundred good deeds will be recorded for
Making Jihaad in the way of Allah, attending gatherings of knowledge
and where good deeds aredone, keeping away from gatherings of play
which Satan attends and in whichhe causes enmity, hatred and misery
also protect from the evil plans of Satan.
Further, foremost of the things that protect one from the devilish
plans of Satan is Tawheed (belief inIslamic monotheism), putting one's
trust in Allah and being sincere in worshipping Him. Allah says,
"Certainly, you (Satan) shall have no authority over My slaves except
those who follow you and those who go astray (the criminals,
polytheisms and evil-doers)."(Al-Hijr 15:42)
Therefore, dear Muslims, beware of Satan's footsteps and evil plans. Allah says,
"O you who believe! Enterperfectly in Islam and follow not the
footsteps ofSatan. Verily, he is to you aplain enemy. Then if you
slide back after the clear signs have come to you, then know that
Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise."(Al-Baqarah 2:208-209)
Brothers in faith! Fear Allah as He should be feared and know that
Satan calls man to all evil things and prevents him from doing any
good deed. The first thing that Satan calls to is disbelief inAllah.
If one responds to him, he has surrendered his affairs to him, Satan
will then lead him to all evil and destructive things in this world
and the Hereafter. But if man does not respond to him when he invites
him to disbelief, he calls him to bid'ah (innovations in matters of
religion), for a person who indulges in bid'ah does notgenerally
repent from it, because he regards that aspart of his religion, and
this gladdens Satan. If Satan is unable to make him indulge in bid'ah,
he invites him to committing major sins, then to minor ones. If he
does not succeed in doing that, he distracts him from doing
recommendable deeds with indulgence in lawful things and engage him
with matters that are of no concern to him.
Satan by his nature, searches man's mind and looks for his preferences
inorder to approach him through that and make him commit sins through
what he has inclinations to. Allah says,
"O mankind! Verily! The promise of Allah is true. So let not this
present life deceive you and let not the chief deceiver [Satan]
deceive you about Allah. Surely, Satan is an enemy to you, so treat
him as an enemy. He only invites his followers that they may become
the dwellers of the blazing Fire."(Faatir 35:6-6)
Furthermore, Satan is pleased by sins that man regards as
insignificant, therefore beware of him. The Prophet said:
Satan has lost hope that people would worship himin the Arabian
peninsula, but he is pleased to sow discard among you."/

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