Thursday, September 6, 2012

4a] Is it prescribed to do ghusl on Fridays for women?

''Friday Prayers'' :-:->
and because the aim is cleanliness, and they are all the same
withregard to that. It is not Sunnah for the one who does not intend
to attend,even if he is one of those who should attend Jumu'ah,
because of the meaning of the hadeeth and because the reason is no
longer present; and because of the hadeeth ofIbn 'Umar, according to
which the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
"Whoever comes to Jumu'ah, man or woman, let him do ghusl, and whoever
does not come to it, man or woman, doesnot have to do ghusl." Narrated
by al-Bayhaqi with this wording and with a saheeh isnaad. End quote.
And Allah knows best.

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