Sunday, September 30, 2012

4a. The Earth: A Living Planet

There are many other balances established on earth for the continuity of life:
For instance, if the surface gravity were stronger than its current
value, the atmosphere would retain too much ammonia and methane
gasses, which would mean the end of life.If it were weaker, the
planet's atmosphere wouldlose too much water, and life on earth would
be impossible.
The thickness of the earth'scrust constitutes another one of the
delicate balances in the earth. If theearth's crust were thicker, too
much oxygen would betransferred from the atmosphere to the crust and
this would have severeeffects on human life.
If the opposite were true, that is, if the earth's crust were thinner,
volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great to permit life on
Another crucial balance for human life is the ozone level in the
atmosphere. If it were greater than its current value, the surface
temperatures would be toolow. If it were less, surface temperatures
would be toohigh, and there would be too much ultraviolet radiation at
the surface.
In fact, the absence of evena single of these balances would set the
end to life on earth. However, God hascreated the universe with
infinite wisdom and powerand designed the earth specially for human
life. Despite this fact, the majority of people lead their lives in
total ignorance of these events. In the Qur'an, God reminds people of
His blessings in the 13th verse of Surat al-Fatir:
"(God) makes night merge into day and day merge into night, and He has
made the sun and moon subservient, each one running until a specified
time. That is God, your Lord. The Kingdom is His. Those you call on
besides Him have no power over even the smallest speck." [Al-Fatir
It is sufficient look at millions of dead planets in space in order to
understand that the delicate balances required for life on earth is
not a result of random coincidences. The conditions essential for life
are too complicated to have been formed "on their own" and at random,
and these conditions are specially created for life alone.
These balances we have briefly described so far are only a few of the
millions of intricate, interrelated balances and orders established so
that people can live in peace and safetyon the earth.
God has created the universe with infinitewisdom and power and
designed the earth specially for human life.
Examining only a part of the balances and harmony on the earth is
enough to comprehend the superior being of God and grasp theexistence
of a planned creation in every detail of the universe. It is no doubt
impossible for a person or any other living being to build such an
enormous balance and order. Nor are the components of this order such
as atoms, elements, molecules, and gasses capable of establishing an
order basedon such intricate and extremely delicate calculations and
measurements, and such fine tunings. This is because activities like
planning, ordering, arranging, calculating, and proportioning can only
be realized by beings that possess wisdom, knowledge and power.
TheExalted Being Who orders, plans and balances the entire universe to
be fit for life of human beings on a planet like earth and Who
sustains it with dramatically delicate measures and balances is God,
Who has Infinite Wisdom, Knowledge and Power.
In the Qur'an, it is stated that those people who are able to realize
these facts are only "people with intelligence":
"In the creation of the heavens and the earth, andthe alternation of
night and day, there are Signs forpeople with intelligence: those who
remember God, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect
on the creation of the heavens and the earth: 'OurLord, You have not
created this for nothing. Glory be toYou! So safeguard us from the
punishment of the Fire." [Al-i-'Imran 3:190-191]/


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