Sunday, September 30, 2012


As with everything else, the prophets are the bestexemplars of
trusting in Allah and remaining hopeful when faced with any
difficulty. They took only Allah as their friend, were sincerely bound
to His laws, and lived entirely for Him. At every instant of their
lives, theytrusted in and depended upon Him, for they knew that His
help was near at all times.
Given this, those believers who struggle toimitate their beautiful
character should take them as models of how to be hopeful. Their
resulting behavior, responses, and decisions will be healthy ones, and
thus will influence the people around them, who then will try to show
the same attitude.
Throughout history, many prophets were oppressed by their peoples'
leading unbelievers and prevented from advocating the good character
that Allah wills. The unbelievers preparedall manner of plots in
linewith their goals, and slandered and persecuted the prophets.
However, the prophets met this great oppression with patience,
trusting in Allah, and knowing that He is always with them. Thus they
never despaired, and resumed their struggle with even greater
enthusiasm and resolve. Their determination caused good character
spread among their people and made the unbelievers' efforts come to
On the following pages are some examples from the Qur'an of their lives.
Prophet Musa (as)
One prophet whom the unbelievers tried to undermine was Musa (as).
While his people were struck with fear anddriven to despair by
theirenemies, he never became hopeless or forgot that Allah would be
with them. In response to his sincerity and submission, Allah helped
them with a greatmiracle: He parted the sea in order to make a path
for them.
And when the two hosts came into sight of one another, Musa's
companions said: "We will surely be overtaken!"He said: "Never! My
Lord is with me, and He will guide me." So We revealed to Musa:
"Strike the sea with your staff" and it split in two, each part like a
towering cliff. (Surat ash-Shu'ara, 61-63)
Prophet Ayyub (as)
Even though he was afflicted with a serious disease, Ayyub (as) showed
no sign of sorrow or hopelessness. Rather, he turned to Allahwith a
deep attachment and asked to be cured. He saw a benefit in his
sickness and thus was patient. His excellent example of hopeful
patience is expounded inthe Qur'an, as follows:
Remember Our servant Ayyub, when he called upon his Lord: "Satan
hasafflicted me with exhaustion and suffering." [So he was told],
"Stamp your foot! Here is a cool bath and water to drink." We gave him
back his family and the same again with them as a mercy from Us, and a
reminder for people of intellect. [We said] "Take a bundle of rushes
in your hand and strike with that, but do not break your oath." We
found him steadfast. What an excellent servant! He truly turned to his
Lord. (Surah Sad, 41-44)
We responded to him and removed from him the harm that was afflicting
him. We restored his family to him, and the same again with them, as a
mercy direct from Us and a reminder to all worshippers. (Surat
al-Anbiya, 84)
Prophet Ya'qub (as)
Ya'qub (as), the father of Yusuf (as), is praised and used as an
example because of his beautiful character and devotion. In response
to the deceptive plan that his other sons devised against Yusuf (as),
he didnot lose hope in Allah but rather turned to Him in complete
sincerity andasked for Yusuf (as) to be returned:
He said: "I complain about my grief and sorrow to Allah alone, because
I know things from Allah that you do not know. My sons, seek news of
Yusuf and his brother, and do not despair of solace from Allah. No one
despairs of solace from Allah except for people who do not believe."
(Surah Yusuf, 86-87)
Prophet Ibrahim (as)
Throughout history, all ofAllah's prophets and messengers
commandedpeople not to lose hope in His mercy. The messengers who came
togive the good news to Ibrahim (as) that his wifewould bear a child
displayed the same attitude:
They said: "We bring you good news of the truth, so do not be among
those who despair."(Surat al-Hijr, 55)
Allah praises Ibrahim (as)in the Qur'an. However, his people failed to
appreciate and recognizehis sincerity and truthfulness. They even
tried to burn him alive. His attachment to Allah in the face of all
these events has always made him a great example for Muslims.
Despite the rejection of his people, Ibrahim (as) showed a great
devotionto Allah by never losing faith in Him, and by relying on His
mercy and submitting to his destiny. By making the fire cool, Allah
allowed no harm or pain to touch him.


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