Thursday, September 27, 2012

2a. Imam Abu Hanifah andthe Atheist

There was no navigator or sailor on the boat, and the boat began to
travel towards the direction of the royal palaces, without anyone
having programmed it as to where to go. I could not understand what
was happening, and how this boat had formed and was taking me to my
destination against the flow of water. The boat eventually reached the
other side of the River Tigris and I disembarked. I turned around and
the boat had disappeared, and that is why I am late.'
At this moment, the athiestbrust out laughing and remarked, 'Oh Abu
Hanifah,I heard that you were the best debator from amongst the
Muslims, I heard that you were the wisest, the most knowledgable from
amongst your people. From seeing you today, I can say that you show
none of these qualities. You speak of a boat appearing from nowhere,
without someone having built it. Nails positioning themselves without
someone having banged them, sealant being poured without someone
having poured it, and the boat taking you to your destination without
a navigator against the tide, your taking childish, your talking
rediculous, I swear Ido not belive a word of it!'
Abu Hanifah Rahimullah turned to the athiest and replied, 'You don't
believe a word of it? You dont believe that nails can appear by
themselves? Youdont believe sealant can bepoured by itself? You dont
believe that a boat can move without a navigator, hence you don't
believe that a boat can appear without a boat maker?'
The athiest remarked defiantly, 'Yes I dont believe a word of it!'
Abu Hanifah Rahimullah replied, 'If you cannot believe that a boat
came into being without a boat maker, than this is only a boat, how
can you believe that the whole world, the universe, the stars, the
oceans, and the planets came into being without a creator?/

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