Saturday, September 8, 2012

2a] Allah Is The Rich, You Are The Poor

Youhave forgotten that you will pass through the Siraat with the
intense Fireof Hell underneath you. You are unaware of the thrashing
that awaits you in your grave by the angels of Allah. Hot stones of
Jahannam for you to walk on, herbage bitter than aloes, foul putrid
meat to eat, your lips to becut by coarse scissors, getting trampled
under the feet of the people of Pharaoh, cutting your ownflesh from
the sides to eat it, scratching your chests and faces with brass nails
-all this awaits you if you do not pay the Zakah, if you fornicate,
devour usury, slander others, backbite, or malign people's honor.
This is just the grave, Hell is yet to come!
"…the punishment of the Hereafter is greater, if theybut knew." (Quran: 68/33)

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