Sunday, September 2, 2012

2] The error of the collective personality concerning the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as)-2-

The second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi's (as)
appearance in the End Times are the glad tidingsthat have been awaited
by the Islamic world for centuries. Bediuzzaman has also provided
detailedinformation regarding theappearance of the Prophet Jesus (as)
and Hazrat Mahdi (as) in his works. Among this information are
comprehensive statementconcerning at what time and in what sort of
climate Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear, what kinds ofactivities he will
undertake, his assistants, his struggle, and how, together with the
ProphetJesus (as), he will cause Qur'anic moral values to prevail on
Yet although Said Nursi's statements on these matters are very clear
anddistinct, the subject of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi
(as) may sometimes be misunderstood. Some people have clichéd
responses they give whenever the subject is raised. When asked, Will
an individual known as the Mahdi appear in the End Times? for example,
they reply, No, the Mahdi will not come, a collective personality will
come, or the Mahdi has already come. Because the Mahdi is a collective
personality; that is the Mahdi who willappear. His collective
personality already exists.In the same way, when asked Will the
Prophet Jesus (as) come to Earth a second time? they respond, No. The
Prophet Jesus (as) will not return; the Prophet Jesus (as) himself
will descend to Earth, he will be in the world as a collective
personality, or The Prophet Jesus (as) has already come, as the
collective personality of the Mahdi. Some people try to back up their
ideas by using the words of Bediuzzaman, saying, In his works,
Bediuzzaman has not made any clear statements regarding the coming of
the Prophet Jesus (as) and the Mahdi.
Yet this perspective is exceedingly mistaken andfalse. All these
clichéd responses express solely apersonal opinion, based on no
evidence, maybe due to force of habit or else that has taken root
inthe public subconscious. Because Bediuzzaman hasactually described
the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) in very
clear terms; he has expressly stated that these personages awaited in
the End Times will both appear as individuals, not as collective
This point can be clearly understood from Bediuzzaman's statements
about the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as):
The Prophet Jesus (as) will come to Earth for the second time
The term "individual" thatBediuzzaman uses to referto the Prophet
Jesus (as) reveals that he is not a "collective personality."
1) Then the person of Jesus (Upon whom be peace), who is present with
his human body in the world of the heavens, will come to lead the
current of true religion...
...even sends the spirits of most of the dead saints tothe world with
similitude of their bodies, it would not be far from His Wisdom -even
if he was not alive and present withhis body in the skies of the
world, and had truly died and departed for the furthest corner of the
hereafter- to clothe Jesus (Upon whom be peace) in his body and send
him to the world, so to bring the religion of Jesus to a
goodconclusion; for such a momentous result. IndeedHe promised it
because His wisdom required it to be thus, and since He promised it,
He will most certainly send him.
In this passage Bediuzzaman says that the Prophet Jesus (as) who is
currently in the world of the heavens will return to Earth in his
human body and will assume leadership of the true faith. It is clear
that Bediuzzaman does not refer to a collective identity here, but
rather to an individual. This is clear from his use of the term "human
body." If he had wanted to say that the Prophet Jesus (as) would
return to Earth as acollective identity, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi would
not have referred to "clothing Jesus in his body."
2) Yes, with the words of that hadith, the descent from the heavens of
the Prophet Jesus is certain...
In this statement, Bediuzzaman says that "the coming of the Prophet
Jesus (as) is a certain fact," using a language that makes it clear
that the Prophet Jesus (as) is not a collective identity.
3) Our Prophet (saas) has indicated this great secret: The Prophet
Jesus will come, and be of my community and labor with my law.
It again appears from Bediuzzaman's statement that the Prophet Jesus
(as)will labor with the law of our Prophet (saas) that the Prophet
Jesus (as) willcome to Earth as a humanbeing, not as a collective
identity. Because if he were referring to a collective identity, it
would be impossible for such an entity to "labor."
4) When Prophet Jesus (Upon whom be peace) comes, it is not necessary
that everyoneshould know him to be the true Jesus. His elect and those
close to him will recognize him through the light of belief. :->

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