Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1b] The spread of atheist ideology willreach its most severe level in the end times

The End Times will be an age when prostitution spreads more than at
any time in the past, and shamelessly takes place all over the world.
The End Times will be an age when fraud, falsity, cheating, trickery
and giving false measure are most widespread across the world.
The End Times will be an age when murder is most widespread and
common. The prisons will be full of killers in the End Times.
The End Times will be an age when all forms of perversion, such as
homosexuality and incest,are openly practiced across the world. These
perversions will begin being regarded as normal,and even be supported.
In the End Times, all unlawful things will be regarded as lawful,
prostitution will be very popular, drinking alcohol and eating pork
will be seen as being up-to-date, countries' financial systems will be
based on interest, sexual deviationswill be regarded as normal,
unlawful foods will be popular, and people will be disparaged and
excluded for being punctilious about what is lawful and unlawful.
The use of drugs and alcohol will spread in the End Times, deaths will
occur because of this use and many families will suffer because of it.
People will blatantly denyAllah in the End Times. The unbelievers will
be united among themselvesand will openly seek support for their
struggle against religion. They will campaign against devout believers
and will receive support from various states and official institutions
in the course of that struggle.
In the End Times, atheists will spread such heretical ideologies as
Darwinism in order, in their own eyes, to prepare the ground for their
denial. They will portray these as scientific and deceive people in
order to turn them away from belief in Allah.
In the End Times, these heretical and bloody ideologies will be
protected by the laws of certain states, they will bepropagandized
across the world and disseminated by way of imposition.
The End Times will be the most heretical and disastrous age, when
people subjected to atheist ideologies openly slander believers, when
they subject them to falseaccusation and set traps for them, and when
they resort to all kinds of cunning trickery in order to prevent the
remembrance of the name of Almighty Allah.
The two holy personages of the End Times, the Prophet Jesus (as) and
Hazrat Mahdi (as), will be sent in order to restore belief in Allah in
this evil time. By the leave of our Almighty Lord, this will bea time
when all these perversions and corruptions will come to an end when we
live to see the Golden Age and when the moral values of Islam rule the
entire world/

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