Sunday, September 9, 2012

1a] Are We Truly Believers?

Every sin we commit delays the arrival of Allah'sVictory . Every Salah
we delay extends the incarceration of a captive at Guantanamo Bay .
Everydrug we take allows another Quran to be flushed down the toilet.
Every hour we waste watching TV allows another Muslim to be kidnapped
and extradited into the hands of savage beasts. Every time we gazeat
something forbidden, we place an obstacle in the path of Allah's
Victory. A sin is not a 'private matter between me and Allah' but one
sin can make the difference between victory and defeat. Every sin we
commit is one more reason why Allah should not grant us relief,
safetyand victory.
Allah has made us a Promise in the aforementioned verse: "So do not
weaken and do notgrieve, for you will indeed be superior if you are
trulybelievers." He promises us relief, assistance, superiority and
victory on the condition that we are true believers. If we suffer
defeats today then it does not mean that Allah's Promise is false.
Instead, the question we must ask ourselves is: are we truly

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