Tuesday, September 18, 2012

129 Names and Attributes of Almighty Allah

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ‏
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Ya-Allaho [66]
If recited 66 times at the time of Asar (Afternoon prayer time) or at
the time of setting sun, or in that last part of the night, prayer
will be granted and legitimate desires willbe fullfilled. For a very
busy man it is permissibleto recite 66 times. This is the self name of
God. This name has been repeated 2,607times in the Quran. If recited
200 times on a Firday with ablution for any legitimate desire it will
be fullfiled by Almighty God.If this nameis pasted on the wall in the
house there will be blessings of Almighty Allah. If this name is
recited 11,000 times on pills of flour and those pills are thrown in
the river or sea, difficulties of the person will be sloved by
Almighty God. There are many merits of this name. Due to lack of space
these few have been written, If recited 1,000 times daily the person
will become pious and wordly love will be vanished form the heart of
the person and cognizance of Almighty God will be achieved Mostof the
ulema have recommended that this inone of the Isme Azam i.e Great Name
of Almighty Allah.
Al-Ahado [Unique] [13]
If recited 1,000 times in solitude it will be felt thatAngels are with
the reciter. If recited 100 times it is useful for snakebite and the
patient will be cured.
Al-Avvalo [Foremost] [Alfa] [37]
If recited this name beforestarting any job/work, it will be completed
nicely with the blessings of Almighty God. If recited regularly a
great deal people will be kind to the person, and will meet with
departed and separated persons and reliatives in their dreams.
Al-Akhiro [Everlasting] [801]
If recited regularly there will be everlasting sucess in all works
taken in hand.The person will be loved by all and respected in all
aspects of life.
Al-Aliyyo [The Highest] [110]
If recited a great deal, the person will be respected and will be
honoured by all and will be promoted in rank if recited regularly.If
written name is kept ona person, one will becomeprosperous.
Al-Alimo [All knowing] [150]
If recited 10 times after every Wajib (obligatory) Prayer the person
will be aware of secrets of nature. If recited a great deal the person
will recognise Almighty God. Ifrecited 21 times daily, theperson will
become a learned man, If this name is written on a piece of bread and
eaten for 40 days the person will neverhave to starve.
If recited 40 times every day the person will acquire great wealth. If
recited 99 times it will be useful to gain the knowledge of alchemy.
If recited unlimited number regularly the person will gain such
spiritual powersthat all will be afraid of him/her.
If recited regularly the person will do justice in all cases. Also
secrets are revealed by reciting this name. If written on a piece of
bread and eaten, the person wil have light in his/her heart. If
recited regularly with unlimited number Almighty God willjustify
his/her cases amicably.
Al-A'fvo [All forgiver] [156]
For removing of sins and achieving blessings of Almighty God this name
isvery effective. This name can be recited at any timeand at any
number, specially reciting this name 70 times after everyWajib prayer
is very effective.
Al-Akramo [The Gracious] [261]
This name is very effectivefor obtaining grandeur. It should be
recited after every Wajib prayers and at the time of sleeping.If
recited a for a great number of time at the time of sleeping angels
will be detailed by Almighty God, who will ask forgiveness for the
person throughout the night.
Al-Azimo [The Grand, The Magnificent] [1020]
Practice of this recitation of this Holy Name is beneficial for
gaining respect with influential personatlities as well as for the
attainment of an imposing and dominant personality. If recited
regularly for any disease the patient will be cured.
Al-Ba'eedo [The Farthest] [92]
If recited regularly worldly passions and desires will be removed from
the heart of the person and he will become pious.
Al-Basito [ Uncloser] [72]
If after reciting this Holy Name ten times daily at dawn with one's
arms raised, one rubs hand on ones face he will for ever be free from
asking anbody for anything. It is also recommended to be recited 72
times after Wajib Prayer, specially after morning prayer.
Al-Barro [The Good] [202]
This Holy Name should beregularly recited to gain inspiration to do
good deeds, for removal of troubles and for the long life of children.
Also it creates love of Almighty Allah. If recited 202 times on a
child, the child will become fortunate and lucky one
AL- Bareeo [The Artificer][213]
If recited daily the body ofthe person will not be decayed in the
grave. A barren woman should recite this Holy Name a great deal to
have conception
Al-Baseero [All Seeing] :->



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