Allah, through His wisdom, ennobles His saints and beloved with various types of supernatural* phenomena,so as to honour them on account of their faith and sincerity, assist them in their struggle and aid for Allah's religion, make manifest Allah's omnipotence, increase the faith of those who believe,and show that laws of the natural universe are only through Allah's design anddecree, and that in and of themselves, material causes have no independent effect, rather, Allah created the results that are through the means and not by the means as is the doctrine ofAhl al-Sunna wal-Jama'a.
An obstinate opponentmight retort: "Giving aid tothe truth and spreading Allah's religion is not through supernatural phenomena; rather it is through the establishmentof logical arguments and rational proof." We say to this: Yes. It is a must that the teachings of Islam be spread through the aid of sound intellect, valid logic, and penetrating evidence, however, stubborn bigotryand obstinacy invite to supernatural phenomena through miracles, just as Allah, through His wisdom,aided His Prophets and Messengers with miracles so as to show their truthfulness and the veracity of their invitation, and force those whose hearts were locked and whose intellects were deficient to abandon their stubbornness and liberate themselves from their ownbigotry and think correctlyand resolutely, thus bringing them to firm faithand certitude. Here, we seethat the miraculous gifts (of the saints) and the miracles (of the Prophets) share in similar goals and wisdoms, the difference between them however, isthat the inimitable miracle( mu`jiza ) is only for the Prophets - upon them all be peace - and the miraculous gift ( karĂ¢ma ) is only for the saints; everymiraculous gift for a saint is an inimitable miracle fora Prophet./ - - - :-> Transtors: 1. 2.
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