Saturday, August 11, 2012

Question on using deodorant while fasting

If one intentionally uses deodorant spray knowingthat you are fasting
and then despite your efforts to hold your breath or cover your mouth
and nose with a cloth you still inhale and you feel the smell strongly
on your nose, will the fast still break and will the kaffarah have to
be performed?
And is intentionally deodorant is used but oneforgets to take measures
to prevent inhalation will the fast break then?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu 'alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
In principle, if one uses a deodorant spray or any other spray that
has a chemical form and makeup in the state of fasting and such a
spray passes one's throat while fasting unintentionally, then one's
fast is not broken.
However, if such sprays pass one's throat intentionally, then one's
fast is broken on account of such an action. [1]
Since the passing of such sprays is unintentional in both the
scenarios in reference, one's fast is still valid.
If one's fast is brokendue to the intentionalinhalation and passing
down of suchsprays, then both Qadha and Kaffarah becomes Wajib. [2]
We advise one to be more cautious and careful when using such sprays
as they could jeopardize one's fast.
And Allah Ta'āla Knows Best/

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