Friday, August 31, 2012

mulla nasurudin

Once Nasruddin took his students tohis house and insisted they should
have lunch with him. Moment later, he called his wife and ordered her
to cook Palaw for the guests as soon as possible. His wife said, "You
order so simply as ifyou have rice and ghee in the house."
Nasruddinbecame very angry and said: "Can't you at least bring empty
plates? His wife accepted and a few minutes later brought the plates
to Nasruddin. He took the empty platesand placed them in front of the
guests. "Friends!" he said, "If I had bought rice and ghee, I would
have brought you an oilyPalaw in these plates."
Nasruddin was looking at the image of the moon in a well. He thought
it was a recompense to take out the moon from the well. Therefore, he
threw a rope inside the well and swung it a few times. Incidentally,
the tip of the rope got caught to a big stone. Hetried to take the
rope out. Hence he pulled it with a lot of force. The rope tore off
and he fell on his back to the ground. When he looked at the sky, he
saw the moon and said, "Doesn't matter. My efforts were not wasted.
Though I faced a lot of difficulties, I finally succeeded to rescue
the moon."
Once Nasruddin went to a hair dresser to get his head shaved.
Incidentally, the barber was inexperienced. The moment he cut a part
of his scalp, he would put apiece of cotton on the wound. Finally
Nasruddin became angryand told the barber, "Youplanted cotton on half
of my head. I would like to grow flax in the remaimng half."

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