Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Love for your partner what you love for yourself

Imam Zaid Shakir writes:
As Salaam Alaikum,
To summarize the duties of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam, we
should love for our brother and sister what we love for ourselves.
This is an incredible teaching that if implemented would go a long way
towards improving relations between us. This spirit of love is
especially important between husbands and wives, as we often treat
each other as abstract enemies as opposed to Muslims, first and
- Imam Zaid Shakir
This is an excellent observation and insightfulpiece of advice. Many
of us are familiar with this hadith but have not thought of it in
terms of husband and wife.
When we want for our spouse what we want for ourselves, it takes our
marriage to a new level oflove. We begin to think about our partners
needs and wants, we pray for our partner just as we pray for
ourselves, we work for our partner's material and spiritual success as
much as our own.
We also forgive them for their mistakes just as we would hope to be
forgiven. We praise them for the good they do, thank them, hug them,
and when they need it wecorrect them in kindness. That's love, and
it's what a good marriage is made of.

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