Thursday, August 30, 2012

Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti - Ajmeer, India

Dargah of Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer , India .
Religion Islam
Other name(s) Hazrat Khwaja Gharīb Nawāz
Born 1141
Khorasan (in modern Afghanistan ) or Isfahan (in modern Iran )
Died 1230
Senior posting
Based in Ajmer, Northern India
Title غریب نواز Gharīb Nawāz، سُلطان الہند Sultan-ul-Hind (emperor of India) Shaikh , Khalifa
Period in office Late 12th century and early 13th century
Predecessor Usman Harooni
Successor Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki
Sultan-ul-Hind, Moinuddin Chishti ( Urdu / Persian : معین الدین چشتی ‎) ( Persian : چشتی ‎ - Čištī ) ( Arabic : ششتى ‎ - Shishti ) was born in 1141 and died in 1230 CE. Also known as Gharīb Nawāz "Benefactor of the Poor" ( غریب نواز ), he is the most famous Sufi saint of the Chishti Order of the Indian Subcontinent . He introduced and established the order in South Asia. The initialspiritual chain or silsila of the Chishti order in India, comprisingMoinuddin Chishti, Bakhtiyar Kaki , Baba Farid and Nizamuddin Auliya (each successive person being the disciple of the previousone), constitutes the great Sufi saints of Indian history.
Establishing the Chishtīorder in India
The Chishtī order was founded by Abu Ishaq Shami (“the Syrian”) in Chisht, some 95 miles east of Herat in present-day western Afghanistan . [ 4 ] Moinuddin Chishti established theorder in India, in the city of Ajmer in North India.
Moinuddin Chishti apparently never wrote down his teachings in the form of a book, nor did hisimmediate disciples, but the central principles that became characteristics of the Chishtī order in India are based on his teachings and practices. They laystress on renunciation of material goods; strict regime of self-discipline and personal prayer; participation in Samā' as a legitimate means to spiritual transformation; reliance on either cultivation or unsolicited offerings as means of basic subsistence; independence from rulers and the state, including rejection of monetary and land grants; generosity to others, particularly, through sharing of food and wealth, and tolerance and respect for religious differences.
He, in other words, interpreted religion in terms of human service and exhorted his disciples "to develop river-like generosity, sun-like affection and earth-like hospitality." The highest form of devotion, according to him, was "to redress the misery of those in distress – to fulfill the needs of the helpless and to feed the hungry."
It was during the reign of Emperor Akbar (1556–1605) thatAjmer emerged as one of the most important centers of pilgrimage in India. The Mughal Emperor undertook an unceremonial journey on foot to accomplish his wish to reach Ajmer. The Akbarnāmah records that the Emperor's interest first sparked when he heard some minstrels singing songs about the virtues of the Walī (Friend of God) who lay asleep in Ajmer.
Moinuddin Chishtī authored several books including Anīs al-Arwāḥ and Dalīl al-'Ārifīn , both of which deal with the Islamic code of living.
Quṭbuddīn Baktiyār Kākī (d. 1235) and Ḥamīduddīn Nagorī (d.1276) were Moinuddin Chishtī's celebrated Khalīfas or successors who continued to transmit the teachings of their master through their disciples, leading tothe widespread proliferation of the Chishtī Order in India.
Among Quṭbuddīn Baktiyār's prominent disciples was Farīduddīn Ganj-i-Shakar (d. 1265), whose dargāh is at Pakpattan , (Pakistan). Farīduddīn's most famous disciple was Nizāmuddīn Auliyā' (d. 1325) popularly referred to as Mahbūb-e-Ilāhī (God's beloved), whose dargāh is located in South Delhi.
From Delhi, disciples branched out to establish dargāhs in several regions of South Asia, from Sindh in the west to Bengal in the east, and the Deccan in the south. But from all the network of Chishtī dargāhs the Ajmer dargāh took on the special distinction of being the 'mother' dargah of them all.

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