Sunday, August 19, 2012

Is zakat due upon a child that hasn't reached the age of puberty?

Is zakat due upon a childthat hasn't reached the age of puberty? If
the money was saved for thechild from gifts, and the money was kept in
the bank for a number of years, will the zakat payment be the
responsibility of the parents- to deduct the applicable amounts. If
the zakat wasn't deducted, will this amount be due at the point the
child reaches puberty from all previousyears?
Al-Salam `alaykum
One of the conditions for Zakah becoming obligatory on a person is
maturity (bulugh).
Thus a child, who has not reached the age of puberty, is not liable
for Zakah on any assets he or she possesses. It is therefore not
required to deduct any amount for Zakah for previous years. Upon
reaching puberty theZakah year of such a child, who possesses
Zakatable assets, will begin and the first payment of Zakah willbe
made one year after this date.

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