Sunday, August 26, 2012

If the sun gets eclipsed at the time of Salaat al-‘Asr

If the sun gets eclipsed at the time of Salaat al-'Asr, what should we do?
Praise be to Allaah.
If the sun is eclipsed after the Adhaan for 'Asr, you should pray the
obligatory prayer first (i.e.,'Asr), then pray Salaat al-Kusoof. If
the sun is eclipsed before the Adhaan for 'Asr, then pray Salaat
al-Kusoof and when it is finished, give the Adhaan for 'Asr and pray
the fard (obligatory) prayer. It does not matter if the Adhaan is
given later than the beginning of the time for 'Asr.

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