Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hour of Accepted Dua on Jumuah

Rasulullah ( Allah bless him& give him peace) said:
"There is such an hour on Friday that if any Muslim makes dua in it,
his dua will definitely be accepted."
[Bukhari, Muslim]
The ulama have differed inspecifying that hour whichhas been mentioned
in theHadith. Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi rahmatullahialayh has
mentioned 40 different opinions in his book Sharh Sifrus Sa'aadah.
However, from among all these opinions he has given preference to two
(1) That time is from the commencement of the khutbah till the end of
the salaat,
(2) That time is towards the end of the day.
A big group of ulama havegiven preference to this second opinion and
there are many Ahadith which support this opinion. Shaykh Dehlawi
rahmatullahialayh says that this narration is correct that Hadrat
Fatimah radiallahuanha used to order her maid on Fridays to inform her
when the day is about to end so that she could occupy herself in
making zikr and duas . (Ash'atulLama'aat)

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